
QMUNITY LEAGUE/HANDS-IN-OUR-PANTS COLLECTIVE is a collection of folks who want to constructively contribute to the long history of building queer community on Plains Cree and Blackfoot territories.


why we do it

We believe that it is possible to create spaces where fun, excitement and joy are synonymous with gentle, critical, encouraging and anti-oppressive practice. To foster this connection, we believe it is critical that anti-oppressive ideas are put into action. As such, we explicitly recognize that oppression, discrimination, violence and abuse are perpetrated by individuals within our communities whom we may know, love and share anti-oppressive ideologies with.  We acknowledge that as long as oppressive systems exist, their traces may find their way into our collective, events, and our actions. We have a responsibility to care for each other, while holding each other accountable.


what we do

We are interested in holding a wide variety of events with a complex engagement with accessibility; we hope to create open and safer spaces for new ideas and relationships to form by centering marginalized voices and listening. We are interested in making connections with each other and community initiatives already underway and hope our events foster and maintain bonds between people.

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